Saturday, January 30, 2010

To work, Or not to work?

Well, everytime I leave my kids, they give me a huge guilt trip! "One more hug, mommy!", "Mommy, don't go!", etc... it's horrible. Julieann cried for forever when I dropped her off at my friends house on Thursday. It sucked, and all I could do cause I was running late was drop them off and leave.
But now with our taxes done, and getting that tax return, I am comfortable not working anymore... Technically, I was working 3-4 days a week for a little less then $100 a week. Which I paid $80 towards the car and the rest in the gas tank. But as soon as we get the return, it will catch us up, and have left over until we get Chris' first pay. But I HATE quitting, or putting in a 2 weeks notice, etc... But sometimes, it has to be done. So maybe, depending on who's manager tonight... I'll put my 2 weeks in. Idano... Hopefully I will be able to talk to Chris tomorrow and we can talk about it :)

Anywho, so do I work for little money, make my kids sad, or what?

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