Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today is a day I wish I could talk to him.

Well, Christopher had his first big dentist appointment. He had to get 1 crown, and 2 caps put on some back teeth. So they gave him this medicine thats suppose to make him all drunk and loopy feeling. Well, 10 minutes later and on time, he started practically falling into the toy he was playing with! So I held him and he just starred at the rainforrest mural like it had psycadelic paintings on it! lol It took 1/2 an hour for the procedure. And when they came to get me, I could hear him yelling at the nurses! The DR told me he was an angry drunk! lol But once I got into the room to hold him for the 10 minutes longer he needed to be there he was fine. So he did fine through out the rest of the day and could even eat a bowl of cereal around 4pm.
Next up was I had issues with my mother in law. But I dont want to go into detail of the situation on the internet... I'll just give the gist of they said they would help babysit the kids while Chris was gone, but now they can't. So I have to figure out a different schedule with Kohl's so I can still work without having to give up my shifts! Fortunatly, I have some great friends and one was able to babysit and another would have but her son had his hour of school in the middle of when I needed her.
I just broke down and was crying over it. I am so thankful that my parents understand and are able to watch the kids on the weekends while I work. Also thankful that my sister and brother in law are going to be taking the kids 1 weekend a month. I honestly don't know what I will do without them! I'll miss them since I spend so much time with them and none (but work hours) without them. I care for them 24/7... honestly... what would I do not caring for them?!

1 comment:

  1. gosh, I wish I was still in MI because I'd love to babysit for you! You are such a hardworker and can't imagine what it's like for you right now!

    The story of Christopher at the dentist had me laughing pretty hard!


